Plan to Metal Detect in Pennsylvania? Here’s a few things you should know

This blog is for all my fellow searchers and history hunters. Most of us probably have equipment that we use daily, but some of you readers may be new to the hunt and need advice on where to start. There are a lot of options out there when it comes to metal detectors. My advice is if you are just starting out, start with something simple to make it easier on yourself.

Continue reading Plan to Metal Detect in Pennsylvania? Here’s a few things you should know

Hunting for Buried Treasure? Here are 5 lost treasures in Pennsylvania

What kid didn’t grow up with dreams of finding mysterious maps and buried chests of gold? I know I did.

Pennsylvania isn’t anywhere near the “high seas” trafficked by legendary swashbuckling pirates, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t hidden treasure out there.

Throughout history the Keystone state has had several tales of lost loot within the hills, mountains and caves. We probably won’t find a sunken Spanish galleon in the Allegheny River anytime soon, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t hidden treasure out there waiting to be discovered. Hundreds of individual coins as well as silver and gold pieces have turned up across the state, but none of the historical hoards have ever been fully excavated.

Continue reading Hunting for Buried Treasure? Here are 5 lost treasures in Pennsylvania

Lake Grubb Nature Park

It’s been a little while since I’ve uploaded any new hiking blogs. I haven’t been able to get out as much after being diagnosed with a Chronic Illness that’s known to cause widespread pain. As time passes, I am slowly learning my new physical abilities and limitations. I needed a trail that wasn’t too strenuous, and one that could help me build back my physical strength. The Lake Grubb Nature Park trail is perfect for that. It’s a 1.3-mile loop circling Lake Grubb. There are a few inclines, but nothing too steep. This trail is perfect to get me back out there. I know it’ll take time to get back to my previous physical capabilities. It’ll just take a lot of work and patience on my part.

Continue reading Lake Grubb Nature Park